If you feel you need someone to talk to about your thoughts, feelings, or relationships feel free to contact any of the below. These are merely agencies in the area, for individual providers you might try psychologytoday.com .

Silver Linings for Seniors

Phone: 919-948-7718

Website: www.silverliningsnc.com

Address: 1250 SE Maynard Rd., Suite 204, Cary , NC. 27511

Triangle Pastoral Counseling

Phone: 919-845-9977

Website: tripastoralcounseling.org

Address: 312 W. Millbrook Rd., suite 109, Raleigh, NC. 27609

Jewish Family Services

Phone: 919-676-2000

Website: https://www.raleighcaryjfs.org/

Address: 8210 Creedmoor Rd., Suite 104, Raleigh, NC. 27613.