These social events are open to neighbors of Forest Park and feel free to bring friend who would like to gather with others. All are welcome.

Pub Night

Date: First Tuesday of each month
When: Starts at 5 PM
Where: Cantina 18 (upstairs, back room) in The Village District Shopping Center

Some folks come just for the socializing from 5 to 7 PM; some stay for dinner as well (usually people will start sitting down for dinner any where between 6:30 and 7:00). Fee snacks during the social hour; buy your own drinks.

Lunch Bunch

Date: Third Monday of each month
When: Starts at 11:45 AM
Where: The Players’ Retreat

The Lunch Bunch at The PR / 3rd Monday of each month

Golden Years Senior Clubs

For adults age 55 years or better. While Forest Commons is not officially connected to them, there are some near the neighborhood.

These clubs are the three closest to the Forest Park neighborhood. Please contact them directly if you wish to join!

Fifty-Five Plus Club
Anne Gordon Center
1901 Spring Forest Road
Wednesdays, 10 a.m.
Sep-May: speakers, cards, trips
June-Aug: cards only
Fannie: (919) 637-7194

White Memorial Presbyterian
1704 Oberlin Road
Thursdays, 10:30 a.m.
Sep-May: social, speakers,
lunch, trips
Jim: (984) 255-5487

Click here to download the full list of Raleigh Golden Years Senior Clubs.